The Splendor of Summer

My gratitude to my Lord for 77 of life on this journey!

“The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old.” (Proverbs 20:29 NLT).

The beauty of my youth is as pale as the gleams of last April, compared with the full splendor of summer.

This is my old age: The Splendor of Summer. They call it “The Golden Age” for a reason! ‘Tis the season to get comfortable with who you really are.

By now you will have made peace with your appearance. And therefore, there is no need to hide those wrinkles that are not hard due to bitterness. But they are soft because of the sweetness of a heart given to the Lord.

The splendor of summer

Your silver hair speaks of wisdom gained throughout a full life. So the combination of your pleasant face and your silver hair is a source of hope for the emerging generation.

I have decided to enjoy my journey on this earth until the last drop of my existence. And for this I have borrowed as my own the Apostle’s declaration:

“But none of these things deter me. Nor do I count my life of value to myself, so that I may joyfully finish my course and the ministry which I have received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” (Acts 20:24 MEV).

Joyful to the last drop of this journey!

This is my gratitude to God for giving me 77 years of life on this earthly pilgrimage.

This is My Story! What’s Yours?