Innate Love in Women 

Why Can a Woman Love a Child she didn’t Conceive? 

In each  woman there is an  inner mother instinct. Although not biologically,  a child may receive her ravishing love that enables him to grow healthy and joyful.

I was just a teen, when that extravagant love was developed in me. This baby was my neighbor and I poured myself out to him, as liquid love.

Three years later, I was only 17, another baby girl was born in our congregation, and she became my daughter until 3 years later when I got married. I loved those two with the same intensity and passion I love my biological children. 

Why can a woman love  with such passion and intensity a child she didn’t conceived? Because she has God given life nurturing spirit implanted in her soul.

There are so many children starving for love, let us feed them with the abundant milk of love God has placed within us. 

This is my Story!  What’s Yours ?

I was only thirteen when that extravagant love developed in me!