Gypsy, Dragonflies, and Me

Precious Gypsy

This is my brother’s heartbreaking story. I want to share his sentiments with all animals’ lovers.

April 30, 2005, a sad day forever etched in my weary mind. I was there at her birth and side by side when she died, holding on to her warm, yet limp body, so very, very tight.

I set her spirit free so she could chase her guide, the one, the only one, her precious dragonfly.

Gypsy enjoyed the company of this special friend.

She was my friend, the greatest of all, my Gypsy, my poodle, my beast, my old girl, a piece of my soul!

My Jeepee girl, forever in my mind, you are still alive! I can see you running, jumping, getting your 10:00 PM snack, playing dead, licking the sweat of my forehead, and most of all, chasing dragonflies!

Dragonflies will lead me to you!

Dragonflies will guide you to me!

In time, somewhere, somehow, once more, reunited we will be…..

My Gypsy girl, her dragonflies, and Me!

In loving memory of my old girl and best friend, Gypsy Fearless Arias

My poodle, rest assured that if there is a way, I will find you once again!

Your human friend, William Arias 4/30 05

July 8, 1993–April 30, 2005

This is my bother’ story! What’s Your?

Wisdom to Understand God’s Silence

Contemplating Moment.

I want to curl up in your arms, Lord. My soul is numb, it feels parked in an open field with no fences. The space is immensely wide and feels cold and deserted.

My soul is like a frightened gazelle in the midst of a vast unknown place. She longs for your closeness, she can’t perceive you.

Where are you? You promised never to abandon me and I believe that you are with me, but the ship of my life almost sank. I desperately need wisdom to be able to understand your silence.

Open up my spiritual ears to hear your guidance, Lord.

I know my pain is no futile. It has an eternal purpose, but will your purpose be perfected in my lifetime?

“So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.” (1 Peter 1:6 NLT).

(Answer); I thought, what if you’re training me to run a city?

Lord, after this thought, your silence is loudly shouting sweet melodies in my soul!

At last , I understood!

Wow, I see the light! You were never silent, my soul was just in her own intransigence.

The difficulties I’m going through are not personal, are about others. I am responsible to oversee them, but somehow in your strange and marvelous way you always provide for me to manage.

Father, forgive my intransigent soul for being impatient. In her anguish to see your answer, she passover the wealth that your wisdom is instilling in me.

The immense unknown opened field, with no fence, is being reduced to a comfortable and welcoming place. I can feel the wall of protection! I can feel my heart racing with excitement!

Friendly environment!

From a frightened gazelle, my soul became a lamb in the flock, in her own environment. Now that unfriendly, cold, open space, is the sweet and cozy one that I’m used to.

This is my Story! What’s Yours?