The Influence of Beauty

This is a prayer from the Journal of my Struggles (9/17/18)

My beautiful Comforter, I exalt You! Thank you for the display of beauty that you give me to strengthen me in this journey.

Thinking about the power of beauty, a little slave woman springs up in my mind. That feeble, little woman challenged the authority of the most powerful man in the existing world. The Book of Exodus, in the Sacred Scriptures, gives us the narrative of this awesome event.

““And the woman conceived and bore a son, and when she saw him, that he was a beautiful child, she hid him three months.” Exodus 2:2

The strict law was, “… to cast every son that is born into the river…” Exodus 1:24. The beauty of the baby Moses enticed his mother to risk her own life to protect him.

What is it in beauty that influences and entices people to do illogical things?

Jacob worked 14 years for Rachael’s beauty! Beauty comes in different tones and shades and drives us on unknown paths! Physical appearance is the gateway to enter and discover the shades and tones of intellect, which is the beauty of the soul and the richness of the spirit!

The gateway Jay, an acquaintance, offers is full—scale, he is very attractive, his soul is beautiful, his spirit is rich, nevertheless, his intellect is underdeveloped. Physical beauty is temporal, the best diet, exercise and good health, are no match for the biological clock. Physical beauty is very attractive, but with the passing of days, the invincible law of gravity is winning, pulling down till this physical beauty succumbs to the grave.

Knowing physical beauty’s destiny, we should allow it to influence in a full—scale. Beauty attracts others and, immediately the intellect must step up to enhance the influence of the outer beauty . The way to deepen the intellect into knowledge, is going to the source. “ The Lord is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth.” Proverbs 2:6.

A sharp intellect is the portal for the beauty of the soul with its different shades that are not affected by the law of gravity, these internal beauties are not touched by gravity. They are elevated as the days pass by.

The last, but not the least is the gate of the spirit. This beauty is priceless! If we could only comprehend the spirit is immortal, then we will nourish it accordingly. The beauty of the spirit is immeasurably superior to the constant deteriorating physical. With the passage of time, the spirit grows and becomes wiser, while physical beauty declines every day.

 The image of God is in our spirit, not in our physical counterpart. This understanding prompts us to seek God! The spirit nourished with the Word of God is beauty with wisdom and intelligence. Wisdom is a source of  life, strength and joy! The Book of Wisdom says that beauty without wisdom is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout (Paraphrase) Proverbs 11:22.

God’s creation is beautiful! He filled each continent with uniqueness! Each ethnic group has an intrinsic beauty and special grace. Therefore, we must nurture our spirit more earnestly, so that when the physical beauty fades away, the beauty of the spirit can continue influencing others with beauty!

“Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you. She will place a lovely wreath on your head; she will present you with a beautiful crown.”” Proverbs 4:7-9

This is my Story ! What is yours?