When It Rains

The sky darkens and large drops begin to fall. I feel compelled to sit in my comfortable Victorian chair and gaze out the window at the harmony of such commotion. The rain soaks the ground, the wind seems to massage the flowers that enjoy that bath from above. The green color of my lawn becomes bright and the brown leaves at the base of the big trees darken. the rain is pouring down and my bushes, although they tremble, do not complain.

And I wonder, why does my lawn and garden receive this sudden interruption in its environment so naturally? will they know something that humans ignore? Could it be that they understand that the discomfort of the wet, the shaking of the wind and the momentary darkness are ingredients for strong growth? As I watch them, I learn to take life’s blows with grace knowing that they will make me stronger. And that in the same way that the rain and the wind are orchestrated by God, so are the trials that come into our lives.

Let us not worry, let us not be afraid, but let us trust in the Lord with all our strength and let us not lean on our own understanding. The rain, the wind and the darkness will soon pass! Calm is just around the corner!

This is my Story! What’s yours?

This is my story! What is yours?