I calmly long to meet a man, one that be sick of love for the Lord, a kind of Bible scholar, filled with the Spirit, in the secular, very intellectual, healthy, with a fit body, he may be 2 years younger or older than me.
I eagerly long to meet that man so that he will be my friend. I dont want to waste the precious time God gives us, but I want to harbor, cultivate my time with a man of God with a similar experience to mine. I wish that man can lavish me with Godly friendship. I am not looking for romantic relationship, I’m looking for David-Jonathan kind of friendship. I need that friendship of Proverbs 27:17.
In reality, I think I am looking for that man of God who can be my mentor. I give myself to my biological and spiritual children. I pour my life to the ministry and I’m content and satisfied, however, I am harboring the idea of that friend. But in a introspective look, I’m not so sure I want it. I’m afraid it’s a utopia of something I longed for in my teenage years. I think this is the end of my search. My disjunctive is reconciled! It is well with my soul!
Wow, It’s amazing how writing has such a power that I call, a therapeutic mystery! No wonder the Lord told the prophet to write down the vision.
“…. Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you, so that it can be read at a glance.” (Habakkuk 2:2 ).
When you write to God, Psalms 32:8, takes shape and form in your thoughts.
“The Lord says, “I will teach you the way you should go; I will instruct you and advise you.”
(Psalm 32:8 GNT).
Nobody can advise us better than the Lord. When you set your thoughts on writing to the Lord, He will instruct your thinking . Since you have been in His presence, because your mind is in Him as you write, you will be refreshed. The craving you thought you had takes another turn. You realize that was not what you really wanted. Then the real yearning of your heart intensifies and you get that joy that is unspeakable!
Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right, as the song says! And you can discover the therapeutic mystery of writing!
This is my Story! What’s Yours?