Abel’s Garden

On April 11, 2017, at 5:35 AM, I heard this very clearly in my spirit: “Abel’s Garden“. I immediately understood that my Heavenly Father wanted me to investigate this topic. And this is what I learned.

Abel was the first human being that pleased God and his offering was the first that God received with pleasure.   God used to come down to fellowship with man in the garden, but after sin there was a barrier, and a mediator was necessary. 

The first mediator God Himself used to cover man’s shame was the skin of an innocent animal. Its blood was shed not to save, but to forgive. 

The garden was closed, the tree of life was hidden, and Adam was forbidden to enter. The new way to enter the presence of God was through the blood of the sacrifice, God is not coming down anymore. The sacrificial blood ascended like a sweet aroma before God, and He received it.

“Then they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the tress of the garden.”(Genesis 3:8 MEV).

No more cool of the day fellowship, now blood is a painful reminder of sin that separates  man from God. I see, now on this falling way, God used to come down to correct, no longer to fellowship like before.

Both Cain and Abel wanted to have fellowship with God, but Cain’s heart was not right, and God did not accept his offering. Cain was self-centered, envious, and jealous. He harbored hatred and revenge in his heart towards Abel. That was the first religious envy. Abel’s devotion to God cost him his life, making him the first martyr

Garden represents the presence of God with all His blessings. A garden is surrounded by water to produce beautiful, healthy fruit. 

Abel’s Garden is the presence of God in his own life.

It is an environment where God is pleased and enjoys the sacrifice of praise that is offered to Him.

It is a covered place, protected from danger, many living streams of water flow freely in and around and bear more than enough fruit to sustain. And His presence provides for all our needs according to His riches in his glory.

God sees us as His private garden:

“You are my private garden, y treasure, my bride, a secluded spring, a hidden fountain”.

(Song of Songs 4:12 NLT).

God sees us as a “fountain sealed” no contamination can get near us. The Lord says about us in John 10:28,

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never die. No one can snatch them away from me.” This is the meaning of a “fountain sealed”. We have eternal life, and that life is hidden in Jesus Christ!

As garden of God, Psalm 16:11 flows freely in and through us,

“You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore”.

Abel means breath, man’s life is like a vapor in the morning, when the sun comes it disappears.  This means that life is fragile, life is short, and death is as certain as the air we breathe.  James 4:14 says:

“How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?  Your life is like the morning fog–it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”

But when we are God’s garden will live forever with Him.  The only way to be His garden is asking the Lord Jesus Christ to come to live inside of you. Receive His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, as the full payment for your sins.  This is called the new birth.

 Abel, the one that pleases God:

            First, Able pleasing God appeared at his birth. 

            Second,  pleasing God with his offering 

            Third,  being martyr for God’s love. 

Abel was not famous, but God himself was the Defender of his blood. We may not be rich and famous here, but the Righteous Judge of all the earth is our Defender. If you have been the victim of an injustice, God wants to be your Defender. Invoke His name, just tell Him your needs and ask Him to come live inside you. He will and you will see Him defending you as He defended Abel. This is my testimony.

This is my Story! What’s yours?