A Letter to God

A Carefree Living

Father, there is a deep longing in my soul to worship you in the heavenly way. In my soul the penetrating desire to love and worship You increases. This morning I asked you to help me to worship you heaven style, my thought was to express my gratitude and love with all kind of emotions. But instead, You have introduced me into an atmosphere of tender care, it’s as if my prayer is answered with Your tender love for me. It’s a carefree feeling, although there are lots of inconvenient issues. There is a blessed assurance deep inside my soul that everything is in Divine order for me.

Is this worship heavenly style? It is not I who gives you, but you, infusing your life in my spirit! I am the container, a deep pot and you fill it with your essence! You created me twice, the first time you formed me from the dust and breathed the breath of life into my nose (Genesis 2: 7). In that state I was just a living person, very knowledgeable about the natural environment. I was very aware of my dusty habitat and enjoyed the land. But the law of gravity had a strong hold on me and my eyes were always fixed downward. And there is just room for myself, because I am just a living person.

Not so with Your second creation, dust was not the composing ingredient. In my first creation there was no blood. Blood, was the main factor through the Spirit of God to make the second creation. And Ephesians 2:10 says I am God’s masterpiece. He created me anew in Christ Jesus. God ‘s purpose in creating me the second time is different than the first. The first time He created me a living person, now He created me for a life of good deeds.

Those good deeds include a spiritual temple, according to 1 Peter 2:5, God created me as a living stone that He uses to build His residence and He also made me His holy priest. No wonder I feel so cared for by You!  Storms come and go and I am carefree, there is an abundance of well-being within me that prevents me from worrying.

Now I am so aware of how it is worshiped in heaven. “…Christ fills all things everywhere with Himself”  (Ephesians 1:23).  And in Him I’m full and complete. I am so cared for by You! This atmosphere of complete well-being is heavenly worship! Thank you for this revelation. Amen.

This is My Story! What is yours?