What Winter Teaches

Para español desplácese abajo 👇

Winter is a season of apparent death.
There is hope

Suddenly this sad surprise came over me! I realized that there had been a small gap in my vibrant, joyful and grateful heart. A tone of my joy slowly fades away.

Before I panic, the sweet, gentle voice of the Holy Spirit whispered in my spirit: “ Through it all, your love for me has deepened.”

Winter is a season of apparent death, the beautiful green color on the Creator’s palette turns into brown and grayish tones.

Your Summer is back!

What you perceive as death is life in the making. Deeper, stronger roots develop for a more enjoyable summer.

If this is your winter season, don’t be discouraged, your love for Jesus grows deeper! And you are loved by Him!

This is my Story! What’s Yours?

Lo que enseña el invierno

El invierno es una estación de aparente muerte.

¡De repente esta triste sorpresa se apoderó de mí! Me di cuenta de que se había producido una pequeña brecha en mi corazón vibrante, alegre y agradecido. Un tono de mi gozo se va desvaneciendo lentamente.

Antes de que entrara en pánico, la dulce y suave voz del Espíritu Santo susurró en mi espíritu: “A través de todo, tu amor por mí se ha profundizado”.

El invierno es una estación de aparente muerte, el hermoso color verde en la paleta del Creador se torna en tonos marrones y grisáceos.

Tu verano regresa!

Lo que percibes como muerte, es vida en ciernes. Se desarrollan raíces más profundas y fuertes para un verano más placentero.

Si esta es tu temporada de invierno, no te desanimes, ¡tu amor por Jesús se hace más profundo! ¡Y eres amado por Él!

Esta es mi historia ! ¿Cuál es la tuya?

Slow Cooker

En español desplácese abajo 👇

The moral: Trust in God and don’t give up!

My soul is like in a slow cooker. The setting isn’t high, or even slow, it’s just there to keep it warm. My soul is restless and I cannot rest because the pot, although it does not boil, keeps warming up.

In this concern, I think of David in the desert of Paran, as the Book of 1 Samuel, chapter 25, says. I imagine David’s emotions were not in a pot to be kept warm, but rather the setting was to boil.

“Then David said in his heart, “Now I will perish one day by the hand of Saul…” (1 Samuel 27:1).

Trust in God and don’t give up !

Surely David saw no way out, however, after unspeakable, intense and long struggles, he became the best king of Israel.

This my Story? What’s Yours?

Olla de presión

La moraleja: ¡Confía en Dios y no te rindas!

Mi alma está como en una olla de cocción lenta. La configuración no es alta, ni siquiera lenta, solo está ahí para mantener el calor. Mi alma está inquieta y no puedo reposar porque la olla, aunque no hierve, sigue calentado.

En esta inquietud, pienso en David en el desierto de Parán, como dice el Libro de 1 Samuel, capítulo 25. Me imagino que las emociones de David no estaban en una olla para mantenerlas calientes, sino que el ambiente estaba a punto de hervir.

“Entonces David dijo en su corazón: “Ahora bien, un día pereceré a manos de Saúl… (1 Samuel 27:1).

La moraleja: ¡Confía en Dios y no te rindas!

Seguramente David no veía salida, sin embargo, después de las indecibles e intensas y largas luchas, se convirtió en el mejor rey de Israel.

Esta es mi historia! Cuál es la tuya?

Terror in the Highway

En español, desplácese👇

Stuck on the road

There is a deep knowledge in my soul that this entire event is nothing more than a setup. Last Sunday, while blessing the people, I proclaimed that everything be peace and everybody be enamored of Jesus.

No accidents, no incidents.

The next day, my boat rocked. As I was parking at the gym, I noticed a light on my dashboard: EPC. I prayed : Father, I should know better, I shouldn’t worry because I know you are here, but I am concerned.

Aladdin’s lamp, it was red on my dashboard.

To compound my concern, suddenly on the dashboard appeared, not a light, but the shape of a large red Aladdin’s lamp dripping oil. I was startled! It was a busy morning. My nature is calm and serene, but events were happening quickly and dangerously, more than I could bear.

In the bank parking lot I turned it off for a while. And I imitated David in I Samuel 30:6. So I drew strength from the Lord my God, feeding on John 14:1:

““Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”

As I continued to chew these words, allowing each little morsel to sink into my mind and heart, fear faded away and strength advanced. I was able to get home safely and the scary lamp didn’t appear again. Praise the Lord!

The Lord brought me safe and secured!

The peace that surpasses all understanding increases in this entire scenario. And I am more enamored of Jesus!

This is my Story! Which is Yours?

Continue reading “Terror in the Highway”

End of the Month Prayer

Para español desplácese 👇

“I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.” (Psalms 3:5 MEV)

My Awesome Lord, your love and faithfulness make me unstoppable and indomitable. It has been a month of fellowship with the vigorous sweetness of your presence. I have experienced the refreshing cleansing of your Word like never before. Everything inside me feels like the great firmament, there are no barriers! I am very grateful to have the joy of feeding my soul at your feet. Thank you for exceeding all my longings and my expectations! Amen!

This is my Story! What’s Yours?

Oración nocturna de fin de mes

“Me acosté y dormí, pero me desperté a salvo, porque el Señor me cuidaba.”
(Salmos 3:5 NTV)

Mi Impresionante Señor, tu amor y fidelidad me hacen imparable e indomable. Ha sido un mes de compañerismo con la vigorosa dulzura de tu presencia. He experimentado la limpieza refrescante de tu Palabra como nunca antes. Todo dentro de mí se siente como el gran firmamento, ¡no hay barreras! Agradezco mucho tener la dicha de alimentar mi alma a tus pies. ¡Gracias por superar todos mis anhelos y expectativas! ¡Amén!

¡Esta es mi historia! ¿Cuál es la tuya?