“He has made everything beautiful in its time…”
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Each season has a peculiar beauty and I want to share how I enjoy each one.
My Marriage:
We enjoyed a deep fellowship with God in prayers, Bible reading and partaking Communion, etc. We were intimate friends and love each other’s company. For hours, we could talk about the Bible, as well as any other subjects. We went to the gym and also jogged outside around the lake. He enjoyed my writings and paintings. I joined him in his flying and boating adventures. I enjoyed my marriage season of 41 years.
As a mother:
I enjoyed my children to the last drop too. I was a 100% mother, I participated in all their activities, I provided all the necessary things for my three beloved children. Humanly speaking, I lived for them until they got married. I was and still am delighted to be their mother.
As a daughter:
As a daughter I was blessed with parents who by their example taught me to love God. I learned from their wisdom to be who I am today. Both blessed me with special blessings on their deathbeds. I really enjoyed that sweet season of my life.
Each season with its different hues adds a relaxing shade to my present time. Each one has its high and low moments, but God is always on His throne! He is not surprised when we are assailed with enormous blows, His invisible power controls every movement and strengthens us! The knowledge of His presence keeps me enjoying my present season.
We can enjoy each season of our life because there is enough grace for every trial. 1 Peter 3:10 is a vital resource for enjoyment:
“For, whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.”
The tongue is a powerful weapon that can give life or death. We must learn to speak life to our circumstances. I have lived all kinds of seasons, extremely painful, happy, good and a new normal season. I’ll share one of each season.
Extremely Painful Season:
The death of a child is the most excruciating pain ever. When my 22-years-old son died, although the anguish was unbearable, God’s grace was sufficient. And He blessed me with a lovely husband and a beautiful congregation that lifted me up in prayers. I don’t think I would ever face any pain greater than that, due to the shocking surprise. You never expect to outlive your child, it’s so incomprehensible that it doesn’t even have a name for it. When a parent dies, the child is orphaned, but when a child dies, how do you call the parents? Just anguish!
Happy Season:
MCCG was a women’s ministry to help women going through midlife crisis. Through that ministry I was able to help many women, national and international. That was a very good and rewarding season. My now married children are a constant source of joy and satisfaction. God changed a sad date for a happy one, my first grandchild was born on the same day and month as the child I have now in heaven. So that date is a celebration, there is no place for sadness. Praise the Lord!
Good Season:
Our church and church school were flourishing, our 40th wedding anniversary was just around the corner. My husband fulfilled his dream of building his own house, financially and emotionally we were ready to reap the fruits of our labor. We could enjoy our empty nest. Seventeen years ago, I was overwhelmed with grief over my son’s death, but now my soul was restored. Everything was fine! However, my lovely husband underwent brain tumor surgery and his character changed. Forty years down the drain that ended in divorce.
A New Normal Season:
The Motto of my life is found in Acts 20:24,
“But none of these things deter me. Nor do I count my life of value to myself, so that I may joyfully finish my course and the ministry which I have received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God”
I have lived my motto for years and my life is full of joy and beauty. I am living a new normal, which I never dreamed of living. But in spite of everything, the richness of Almighty God’s presence has lavished me with incredible blessings. I feel so special under His loving care! His presence is constant in my house and I in my affairs. I have never experienced loneliness. This is the result of knowing God and serving him!
When Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life, the season could be as black as the sea, but your soul will enjoy eternal sunshine! Due to this reality, I have enjoyed every season of my life! And if you invite the Lord Jesus Christ to come to your heart, you will be able to experience this joy!
This is my story! What’s yours?
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