Abel’s Garden

On April 11, 2017, at 5:35 AM, I heard this very clearly in my spirit: “Abel’s Garden“. I immediately understood that my Heavenly Father wanted me to investigate this topic. And this is what I learned.

Abel was the first human being that pleased God and his offering was the first that God received with pleasure.   God used to come down to fellowship with man in the garden, but after sin there was a barrier, and a mediator was necessary. 

The first mediator God Himself used to cover man’s shame was the skin of an innocent animal. Its blood was shed not to save, but to forgive. 

The garden was closed, the tree of life was hidden, and Adam was forbidden to enter. The new way to enter the presence of God was through the blood of the sacrifice, God is not coming down anymore. The sacrificial blood ascended like a sweet aroma before God, and He received it.

“Then they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the tress of the garden.”(Genesis 3:8 MEV).

No more cool of the day fellowship, now blood is a painful reminder of sin that separates  man from God. I see, now on this falling way, God used to come down to correct, no longer to fellowship like before.

Both Cain and Abel wanted to have fellowship with God, but Cain’s heart was not right, and God did not accept his offering. Cain was self-centered, envious, and jealous. He harbored hatred and revenge in his heart towards Abel. That was the first religious envy. Abel’s devotion to God cost him his life, making him the first martyr

Garden represents the presence of God with all His blessings. A garden is surrounded by water to produce beautiful, healthy fruit. 

Abel’s Garden is the presence of God in his own life.

It is an environment where God is pleased and enjoys the sacrifice of praise that is offered to Him.

It is a covered place, protected from danger, many living streams of water flow freely in and around and bear more than enough fruit to sustain. And His presence provides for all our needs according to His riches in his glory.

God sees us as His private garden:

“You are my private garden, y treasure, my bride, a secluded spring, a hidden fountain”.

(Song of Songs 4:12 NLT).

God sees us as a “fountain sealed” no contamination can get near us. The Lord says about us in John 10:28,

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never die. No one can snatch them away from me.” This is the meaning of a “fountain sealed”. We have eternal life, and that life is hidden in Jesus Christ!

As garden of God, Psalm 16:11 flows freely in and through us,

“You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore”.

Abel means breath, man’s life is like a vapor in the morning, when the sun comes it disappears.  This means that life is fragile, life is short, and death is as certain as the air we breathe.  James 4:14 says:

“How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?  Your life is like the morning fog–it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”

But when we are God’s garden will live forever with Him.  The only way to be His garden is asking the Lord Jesus Christ to come to live inside of you. Receive His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, as the full payment for your sins.  This is called the new birth.

 Abel, the one that pleases God:

            First, Able pleasing God appeared at his birth. 

            Second,  pleasing God with his offering 

            Third,  being martyr for God’s love. 

Abel was not famous, but God himself was the Defender of his blood. We may not be rich and famous here, but the Righteous Judge of all the earth is our Defender. If you have been the victim of an injustice, God wants to be your Defender. Invoke His name, just tell Him your needs and ask Him to come live inside you. He will and you will see Him defending you as He defended Abel. This is my testimony.

This is my Story! What’s yours?

Your Blood Paved my Way to the Throne

This is an excerpt from the Journal of my Struggles.

This is my prayer to God to lead me to make a right business decision. August 25, 2018.

Precious Lord, I bless Your holy name! Thank You for Your Spirit that leads me to all truth!

Job felt so lost, and this burst out from his soul:

“If only there were a mediator between us, someone who could bring us together. The mediator could make God stop beating me, and I would no longer live in terror of his punishment. Then I could speak to him without fear, but I cannot do that in my own strength.”

(Job 9:33-35 NLT).

He desperately needed the freedom I have today, to boldly come to the throne of mercy!

He had no access to the Father. But I am so thankful for Your death on the Cross paving the way for me now!

Thank You , Awesome God, Everlasting Father! Please, help me not to waste my sorrows. I understand that everything that happens to me is You equipping me for Your purpose for my life.

I know you’re holding my wrist, letting my fingers move freely. But, You are the one who guides my course!

I am not in the position of Job; however, I am in the position of Proverbs 25:2:

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, and it is the glory of a king to search out a matter.”

(Proverbs 25:2 NET).

I seek Your will in this business decision that I must make. Please illuminate my darkness because You are my lamp:

“For You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord illuminates my darkness.”

(2 Samuel 22:29 MEV).

I’ll go to bed trusting in Your mercy and compassion to tell me about Your will in this case. Amen. Thank Lord.

Before I went to bed, I heard that small still voice in my intuition saying, “No”.

Hallelujah! I do nothing until my Lord and Savior guides me.

Later I saw that it was not a business, but a scam. Job did not have a Mediator who would allow him to speak with God, but by the blood of Jesus we have free access to the throne of mercy!

You too, beloved reader, can have that wonderful access to the throne of mercy. You just have to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to come and live within you and you will enjoy the peace that passes all understanding. May the Lord bless you.

This is my Story! What is yours?

My Treasure: My Grandchildren!

I am the proud grandmother of the most beautiful grandchildren with whom the Lord has blessed my life.

I thank God for giving me a wonderful family. And because of them my life is richer, despite all the obstacles I have encountered along the way. God is good!

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them…” (Psalms 127:3-5).

Love is Invincible!

Love is capable of quenching the most tense thirst of the desert. Love is like a river that never runs dry. Love makes the baby sleep safe and comfortable. Love produces a vigor that makes the old man feel young and the young man optimistic to overcome all obstacles.

Love says: till later, never farewell. Love does not exterminate a chapter; it puts it on standby. Love never dies, it gets dimmed waiting to be rekindled.

Love never unlinks a chapter, but it continues in the book of tomorrow to be sweetly bounded. Love never stops struggling to germinate, even in the most unbearable soil. Love thrives in the most unimaginable condition.

Love knows no fear. Love remembers no evil. Love gives and gives without expecting anything. Love does not take apart, love always builds. The debris of love turns into hope.

Love created everything. Love is fertile, love multiplies goodness, hope and everything necessary for well-being. Love rules this universe. Love is not a feeling or a decision, love is a Person, His name is Jesus!

The Apostle’s exegesis on 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8, gives light to illuminate our understanding of love:

“Love is patient and kind, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.

Love isn’t selfish or quick tempered. It doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do.

Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.

Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.

Love never fails!” (1Corinthians 13:4-8 CEVDCI)

Love is so mightily strong that nothing can separate us from Love. The most appropriate person to make this statement is the Apostle because he lived it:

“…, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities nor powers, neither things present nor things to come, neither height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:37-39 MEV)

Love is so available to you! If you feel that your soul is dry, there is no vigor, there is no desire for anything. Ask the Lord to come into your heart and give you a fresh life giving love. You will receive His life and joy within you.

As I meditate on the Indescribable Person of Love, His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, my heart is so moved! How I wish that you could feel the same!

May the Lord richly bless you.

This is my Story! What is yours?

Unknown Path

This is an excerpt from my Grieving Journal, November 24, 1993

My precious Heavenly Father:

I bless you and thank you so very much for the recovery that you are helping me achieve.

Last night on the news, Fillip was thanking You for Your miracle. I also thanked you because I had prayed for him, but then I realized that his mother has a miracle child, and I don’t. I wept. I did not cry with the excruciating agony I experienced before, but with deep sadness.

Since my husband was at the church construction site, I drove there with a broken heart. And I read chapters 52 and 53 of Isaiah, when I finished reading my face was bathed in tears, not because of Kelbyn, but because of Jesus.

How much I appreciate Jesus and his sacrifice for me. Last night you reminded me of this:

“For these things I suffer, but I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed (deposited) to Him until that Day.” (2 Timothy 1:12 MEV).

I have never been so interested in heaven until I have my deposit there. Oh, I know my valid deposit, my passport is my Jesus, but Kelbyn is what has motivated me the most to be so interested in it.

Since yesterday You’re making me aware that Kelbyn is my miracle child. I saw three policemen beating up two men and the thought struck me that Kelbyn might be one of them. I thought: “Kelbyn is my miracle child because my Father rescued him and no evil can touch him anymore.”

You also made me aware that my painful discontent is not about my son, it is about my relationship with you. I felt abandoned and betrayed because You allowed me to drink the cup of death. I have been so bitter because the image of my family is dead. I don’t miss Kelbyn, it’s the childhood wound in me that drives me to yearn for that family Ethiopia.

I saw myself as a child abandoned by You. That was my agony. Today, after 851 days, I am still not fully recovered, but I am far ahead. Thank you my Heavenly Father.

I wonder what it’s like to be in Paradise! I feel that when I am there I will say: “so much anguish and pain there on earth and now, here in Paradise I am aware of everything here and on earth!”

I think all my grief energy has been so wasted, because there is no reason to mourn for someone who is extremely happy like Kelbyn is! I trust in You, Father. I thank you this Thanksgiving Day! (11/24/1993).

This is my Story! What’s yours?

My Deposit in Heaven

This is an excerpt from my Grieving Journal, November 24, 1993

This journal was my prayers, my way to cope with my pain for my son’s death.

My precious Heavenly Father:

I bless Your holy name and thank you so very much for the recovery that you are helping me achieve.

Last night on the news, Fillip was thanking You for Your miracle. I also thanked you because I had prayed for him, but then I realized that his mother has a miracle child, and I don’t. I wept. I did not cry with the excruciating agony I experienced before, but with deep sadness.

The afternoon was getting dark and my husband was still at the church construction site. My heart was so broken that I decided to drive to meet him. While driving through the Rolling Hills Baseball League, my soul was pierced into thousands of pieces. And I parked in the church parking lot and read chapters 52 and 53 of Isaiah, when I finished reading my face was bathed in tears, not because of Kelbyn, but because of Jesus.

How much I appreciate Jesus and his sacrifice for me! Last night you reminded me of this verse:

“For these things I suffer, but I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed (deposited) to Him until that Day.” (2 Timothy 1:12 MEV).

I have never been so interested in heaven until I have my deposit there. Oh, I know my valid deposit, my passport is my Jesus, but Kelbyn is what has motivated me the most to be so interested in it.

Since yesterday You’re making me aware that Kelbyn is my miracle child. I saw three policemen beating up two men and the thought struck me that Kelbyn could have been one of them. I realized: “Kelbyn is my miracle child because my Father rescued him and no evil  will ever  touch him anymore.”

You also made me aware that my painful discontent is not about my son, it is about my relationship with you. I felt abandoned and betrayed because You allowed me to drink the cup of death. I have been so bitter because the image of my family is dead. I don’t miss Kelbyn, it’s the childhood wound in me that drives me to yearn for that family Ethiopia.

I saw myself as a child abandoned by You. That was my agony. Today, after 851 days, I am still not fully recovered, but I am far ahead. Thank you my Heavenly Father.

I wonder what it’s like to be in Paradise! I feel that when I’ll be  there I will say: “So much anguish and pain down there on earth and here in Paradise I am aware of everything here and on earth!”

One of the most torturous pains is the unknown, but in Paradise we will know it all:

” What we see now is like a dim images in a mirror; then we shall see face-to-face. What I know now is only partial; then it will be complete–as complete as God’s knowledge of me.”  (1 Corinthians 13:12 GNT).

I think all my grief energy has been so wasted, because there is no reason to mourn for someone who is extremely happy like Kelbyn is! I trust in You, Father. I thank you this Thanksgiving Day (11/24/1993), for Your grace that has filled me with strength to continue walking with peace and hope in this process.

This is My Story!  What is Yours?

Moving From Beauty to Delight

My relationship with my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ grows as I worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. But it doesn’t stop there, because if I draw myself to Him only in beauty, what will happen when life gives ugliness?

Our relationship must move from beauty to delight! When you delight in a person, you want to be connected with him all the time. And so should be our relationship with the Lord.  

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.”  (Psalms 37:4 NLT).

This is my Story! What’s yours?

What is Love?

Thought From my Exotic Garden, 10/11/2017

Love is not a metaphysical notion, it does not come from exploring the nature of reality, or the relation between mind and matter, neither substance and attribute, nor fact and value.

Love is the great reality, the desperate need humanity longs for, it’s a transcendental notion. Love comes as a Revealer and Comforter. Sometimes, it is an answer beyond proportional that comes in relationship. And it’s offered as an indweller presence. It’s the Peace that passes all understanding! It’s the Joy that fills all the crevices of the soul! It’s total satisfaction! It’s Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God!

The Lord is the Mediator between Mighty God and humanity. And as He indwells us, we enjoy all His benefits of peace, joy, healing and everything that is derived from Him! My life is a living proof of His peace, joy, health, satisfaction, etc.

“For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”  (Psalms 84:11).

Right now, you can get all these benefits. Say this prayer believing you’ll receive:

“Father God, I come to you in the name of your Son Jesus, to repent from my sins and to receive your gift of eternal life. I receive Jesus as my Savior to live for Him from now on. Please, write my name in your book and save me. Thank you, Father. Amen.

Now you are a child of God. I’ll be happy to help you to know the Lord better.

This is my email; you’re welcome to contact me. God bless you.


This is my Story! What’s yours?

How I Enjoy Each Season of my Life

“He has made everything beautiful in its time…”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Each season has a peculiar beauty and I want to share how I enjoy each one.

My Marriage: 

We enjoyed a deep fellowship with God in prayers, Bible reading and partaking Communion, etc. We were intimate friends and love each other’s company.  For hours, we could talk about the Bible, as well as any other subjects.  We went to the gym and also jogged outside around the lake. He enjoyed my writings and paintings. I joined him in his flying and boating adventures. I enjoyed my marriage season of 41 years.

As a mother:

I enjoyed my children to the last drop too. I was a 100% mother, I participated in all their activities, I provided all the necessary things for my three beloved children. Humanly speaking, I lived for them until they got married. I was and still am delighted to be their mother.

As a daughter:

As a daughter I was blessed with parents who by their example taught me to love God. I learned from their wisdom to be who I am today.  Both blessed me with special blessings on their deathbeds. I really enjoyed that sweet season of my life.

Each season with its different hues adds a relaxing shade to my present time. Each one has its high and low moments, but God is always on His throne!  He is not surprised when we are assailed with enormous blows, His invisible power controls every movement and strengthens us!  The knowledge of His presence keeps me enjoying my present season.

We can enjoy each season of our life because there is enough grace for every trial. 1 Peter 3:10 is a vital resource for enjoyment:

“For, whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.”

The tongue is a powerful weapon that can give life or death. We must learn to speak life to our circumstances. I have lived all kinds of seasons,  extremely painful, happy, good and a new normal season.  I’ll share one of each season.

Extremely Painful Season:

The death of a child is the most excruciating pain ever. When my 22-years-old son died, although the anguish was unbearable, God’s grace was sufficient. And He blessed me with a lovely husband and a beautiful congregation that lifted me up in prayers.  I don’t think I would ever face any pain greater than that, due to the shocking surprise. You never expect to outlive your child, it’s so incomprehensible that it doesn’t even have a name for it. When a parent dies, the child is orphaned, but when a child dies, how do you call the parents?  Just anguish!

Happy Season:

MCCG was a women’s ministry to help women going through midlife crisis. Through that ministry I was able to help many women, national and international. That was a very good and rewarding season. My now married children are a constant source of joy and satisfaction. God changed a sad date for a happy one, my first grandchild was born on the same day and month as the child I have now in heaven. So that date is a celebration, there is no place for sadness. Praise the Lord!

Good Season:

Our church and church school were flourishing, our 40th wedding anniversary was just around the corner. My husband fulfilled his dream of building his own house, financially and emotionally we were ready to reap the fruits of our labor. We could enjoy our empty nest. Seventeen years ago, I was overwhelmed with grief over my son’s death, but now my soul was restored. Everything was fine! However, my lovely husband underwent brain tumor surgery and his character changed. Forty years down the drain that ended in divorce.

A New Normal Season:

The Motto of my life is found in Acts 20:24,

 “But none of these things deter me. Nor do I count my life of value to myself, so that I may joyfully finish my course and the ministry which I have received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” 

I have lived my motto for years and my life is full of joy and beauty. I am living a new normal, which I never dreamed of living.  But in spite of everything, the richness of  Almighty God’s  presence has lavished me with incredible blessings.  I feel so special under His loving care! His presence is constant in my house and I in my affairs.  I have never experienced loneliness. This is the result of knowing God and serving him!

When Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life, the season could be as black as the sea, but your soul will enjoy eternal sunshine!  Due to this reality, I have enjoyed every season of my life!  And if you invite the Lord Jesus Christ to come to your heart, you will be able to experience this joy!

This is my story! What’s yours?

Go Down Alive to Sheol

“But if the Lord creates something new, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them up with all that belongs to them, and they go down alive into Sheol, then you shall know that these men have despised the Lord.”” Numbers 16:30.

This narrative left me totally dumbfounded, I see a mine to dig knowledge that I don’t even have a way to investigate. I pleaded with the Lord for revelation because no human being can help me in this matter, as I don’t even know what to ask. I felt that the Lord impressed me to go deeper into my own experience to understand my queries.

“Go down alive into Sheol”.  Sheol has a very extensive definition, but for reason of space I’ll use this: Sheol is the unseen realm of the dead.

My mind lit up to understand a mystery of dying. Before dying there is a process of special kindness and grace that God pours over the soul of the deceased. However, a person under Divine judgment can lose this process of goodness and grace. This judgment happened to this people in the Book of Numbers chapter 16.

The Mystery of Dying

I share two of my experiences here:

My aunt had an only child, who was disabled. She was overprotective of him and he depended on her 100%. When the hour of her death approached, she parted from him.

My mother had a perfect tooth, and she took pride and her oral hygiene. I took her to the doctor’s office, and he hospitalized her. I was very worried about her toothbrush and very diligently I rushed to the store to buy one. When I showed it to her, I was shocked that she ignored it.

A few days before her death, she detached herself from us and from everything around her. She spent her last days on this planet, but her soul entered a state of pure peace and tranquility.

I saw a process of emotional dissociation. It was like a soul buffer to ease the blow of detachment from this reality to the eternal one. I saw it as a conditioner of the soul, so that it crosses the river peaceful and not terrified.

All transitions cause some kind of apprehension because it introduces to the unknown, and we always struggle to maintain our stability.

I realized God gives us a special kindness at the death bed. He allows a controlled tranquility as a mode of transportation to the departing soul. This is the normality for a soul that has been redeemed by the Lord. Without this special grace of God, even the saved soul will be shocked to depart from its body. This is how the Apostle explains it:

“While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life.” 2 Corinthians 5:4.

Death was never God’s plan that’s why we hate it. However, we have the comfort of knowing that the transition is sweet for the deceased. We cross the river of death to enter eternal bliss.

What happens when a soul goes to Sheol alive?

Before people go to the next state, the death process must occur, but is it possible to face the next state without the death process?  According to Numbers 16:30, yes it can!  This is the sad reality for those who die without receiving the gift of eternal life.

Right now you can ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you and to receive you as His child and He  gladly will. Death is real and today is your opportunity to chose eternal life or eternal damnation.  I chose eternal life, I chose Jesus Christ as my Savior and King!

This is my Story! What is yours?