The Hues and Tones on my Canvas

Seeing Moses as a point of reference, I study the seasons of my life. As the unsympathetic and hateful visitor, named grief, passed through my house with the intention of staying, I determined in my heart not to lament, but to learn from it.

Each piece of devastation adds a different hue and tone to the canvas of my soul.

The canvas of my first season was embellished with the most precious and lively hues. People admired those different tones on my canvas. “They look so perfect!”They used to comment.

God has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT)

In the second season, the admired canvas was thrown into the desert. The beauty, the desirable, all the nuances and bright tones disappeared in the call to the desert called, “La Vergüenza de la Cruz”, (The Shame of the Cross).

Although my soul knows very well that it has a long way ahead of it, it tried to convince itself that its mission on earth is over.

My mother and me

But this morning, thinking about Moses, I realized that my mother died six years into her second assignment. She was just getting started in her second season of life, she had only been at it for six years. She was 86 years old. But she was the most productive person I’ve ever met. In her short life, she left behind a rich legacy in all aspects of the word.

Then I realized that I have four years left to start my assignment. The actual shades and tones on my canvas have yet to manifest in God’s purpose for my life.

In this desert the heat is so stifling, the breeze feels like smoke pressing on the chest, it is difficult to breathe, the hot sun consumes the streams and I wonder, where is my burning bush? How I long to have an encounter with that bramble!

The actual shades and tones on my canvas have yet to manifest in God’s purpose for my life.

The time seems right for my burning bush to appear. The fierce heat of the sun has burned the bank accounts to the ground, brown, blackish! I am in the process of entering my next assignment. This is the first part, the victory is yet to come!

This is my Story! What’s Yours

One Reply to “The Hues and Tones on my Canvas”

  1. El dolor de siente como hierro al rojo vivo entrando al corazón y la cuenta negro pero solo miro el Sol de Justicia. Un lienzo vacío en una tumba vacía y un hermoso consolador que me guía cuando mis ojos no ven. Dios le bendiga

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