My Fantasy Dream
Who in the world will have a fantasy dream? First of all, although it is a dream, it has not yet been fulfilled. But of course the desire is for it to be a reality. Your dream can be formed as a fantasy and be destined to remain a fantasy.
My fantasy is to be in a cabin in the mountain, maybe in the jungle. I want to be with my Compai (a childhood friend). Since I haven’t seen him in centuries, I don’t know how he is. Will it be healthy? Will he look young and active like me? And what about his spiritual life? In my fantasy he is just like me and we are going to spend a memorable time in the cabin.
The jungle environment is misty, somewhat humid, there are all kinds of creatures and some are not friendly at all. But the cabin is another story. Although damp and cold on the outside, the inside is bright, warm, inviting and very cozy. That cabin is so well cared for that you will not find anything that does not belong to it. the fire in the fireplace is for me like a limitless canvas to paint the profound story of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
On second thought, that cabin may be a metamorphosis of the saved soul. The world is like a jungle full of fears and anxieties. But when you receive Christ as your Savior, you live safe and secure as in that cabin. Jesus is the Christmas gift for a life full of peace, even in the storm.
When a person refuses the gift of eternal life, his dream is formed as a fantasy and is doomed to remain a fantasy.
I cordially invite you to this impressive and beautiful cabin. The key is in your mouth. Please say: “Dear Lord, open my heart to understand how much I need you. Allow me to enter to live in the cabin of love, contentment and rest. please forgive my sins. I receive the gift of eternal life, Jesus Christ. Amen!”
This is my Story! What’s Yours?
My Cabin
🖤 Emotional Muscles 🖤
It was a promising day! Still, while I was having breakfast, I began to meditate on: The active and passive obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a necessary subject to learn, I pondered. My mind was flooded with a sweet and soulful inspiration to write. And without getting up from the breakfast table, I started to jot some words.
My day radiated glory with such a thought, but the bright rays of inspiration for writing suddenly began to dim. A whirlwind of injustice and slander tried to occupy my space. I ran to my defense and indeed, He raised my head!
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.” (Prov.18:10 MEV)
After praying, the Lord answered and everything was back to the normal joy.
But, a few hours later the turmoil rose again, stirring the most intimate part of me. Even more unbearable now.
To appease my emotions, I read the Book of Jonah and his case was much deeper than mine. So, I decided to take a nap like Jonah did. When he woke up he had a profound revelation from God. Although it was a terrifying awakening, he caught the message.
I also caught a revelation of my sudden turmoil. I wanted to learn about the active and passive obedience of the Lord. And these turmoils were just object lessons for me.
A revelation is something you experience, you live it . It’s not just a look at a subject. Through all these contradictions, I kept my eyes fixed on the Lord. And the way in which the Lord could have active and passive obedience was by keeping His eyes fixed on His Father.
So this was my object lesson! My emotional muscles were stretched and strengthened by His obedience. His obedience equips me to have peace in the midst of the cruelest situation.
“For You have been a refuge for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.” (Psalms 61:3 MEV).
This is my Story? What’s Yours?