Indescribable Privilege

“But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12 NLT).

It hit me hard when I realized that in a split second I have free access to the throne of God!

When I call my doctor to make an appointment, an answering service answers.

“ We are currently in the process to implement a new telephone system in order to better serve you.”

The voice asks me for information that I’m not even aware of. If by chance I can satisfy that machine, I am forced to listen to a concert of music not of my choice. After I don’t know how long, I am presented with a human voice that will search for everything related to my existence. With all that information and more time on hold with the music blaring, the right person finally picks up the phone.

So I must wait longer so that I can get the right day and time for my appointment. wow, even writing it tires me! All that waiting is just to make an appointment.

And to speak with the Creator of the Universe, I only have to say: “Father, in the name of Jesus”. And the Throne of God is wide open for me.

The moment I believed that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, He gave me the right to be His child. And when a son of God calls out to Jesus, the Majestic Throne of God is thrown open, no questions asked!

This is an indescribable privilege!

This is my Story! What’s Yours?